Jasmine TTB

Yarn Tow Tops Fiber Bobbin Dyeing Bleaching Machine

Technicial Specifications

Working pressure is 4,5 bar. Testing pressure is 6 bar. Working temperature is max. 135°C. The machine consists of main tank, stock tank and dyeing kitchen. It has a stock tank for saving time and energy. The machine has a dye sample system. All valves, which are used in the system are pneumatic and high pressure valves. Heating system can be installed internally or externally The machine has a pneumatic lid open-close system and manuel lid locking system. The lid is equipped with safety system which is designed to prevent the opening of the lid, unless the pressure inside the machine is released. The machine can be operated  with air pad system or overrinsing system. System can be operated as full  automatic or manual. Air pad system gives opportunity to use the machine at half capacity. The machine is produced with centrifuge type pump.