
Fabric Dyeing Tekst Machine

Technicial Specifications

Is a new generation machine withthesinglerope technology. INFINITE provides the user 4 hours shorter processing times for reactive dyeing. INFINITE, with it’s round shaped deposit, is an extremely flexible machine, versatile in the processing of substrates of knits and wovens at 140 °C. The machine has obtained positive resultsin the processing of upholstery/furnishingarticles as wellas terrytowelsthanksto it'ssingle rope technology which allowsto load the machine directly from big rolls. The capacityranges of INFINITE vary from 50 kg up to 3600 kg for single machines and up to 7200 kg for coupled machines. Liquor ratios go from 1-3forsynthetic fibres up to 1-5,1-10during types ofproducts.The control system of fabriccontent in each deposit through isrealised by PLC and software acting on the inverters for inner reel drive. The speed of every drive isindependentlycontrolled to ensure equal fabric quantity in each compartment. Also with the possiblity of programming the working level or by the litrecounter, liquor ratio and all other processing parameterscan be constantlyrepeated. That provides perfect stabilityof the processfrom batch to batch. Manufactured from AlSl 316 Ti Stainless Steel with 6 mm thicknesson the main body.